New Year celebrations around the world

Explore the traditional New Year celebrations around the world like watching the ball drop or blow a trumpet horn sheep.

Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in-depth survey to celebrate the winter holidays online activities.

New Year's Eve

In many places where people stay up late to see the old year out and the New Year. Almost everywhere in the world ring church bells, horns toot whistle, siren screaming, London, Trafalgar Square and New York City's Times Square swarming with crowds of happy, noisy people. Frantic expresses people's spirits high during the holidays.

Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year

Many Chinese children dressed in new clothes to celebrate the Chinese New Year. People carry lanterns and participate in the parade, led by big silk Chinese dragon symbolizes strength. According to legend, the dragon hibernates most of the year so people throw firecrackers to keep a watchful dragon.

In the Chinese lunar calendar, each year is named after 12 animals. According to legend, Buddha asked all the animals to come to him before he left the earth, only 12 animals came to wish him farewell and a statue of the award named a year after each one.

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur

In September or October, Jews believe that God opens the Book of Life for 10 days starting with Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and ending with Yom Kippur. (Day of Atonement) During this the holiest in the Jewish Jews tried to make amends for any wrongdoing and forgive others trumpet the horn of a ram known as the shofar is blown. Before and during Rosh Hashanah and at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.


In a special three-day water festival of Songkran celebrations on April 13 to 15 marks Buddha's New Year's parade is a huge statue of Buddha that spray water on passersby. In a small village youth threw water at each other for fun. People also release the fish into the river as an act of mercy.

Songkran, the cable tie around the wrist of each individual to express their respect. A person can have up to 25 or 30 lines, one for each person is different. The strings should be left on until they fall off naturally.

Background new year

The ancient Greeks started their new year with a new moon after June 21, before the time of Julius Caesar, the Roman new year starts on March 1 in most European countries during the Middle Ages, the new year began. Beginning on March 25, the feast day of publication.

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